Dear Friends,
Once upon a time—way back in 1996—I wrote a Christmas novella that has always been close to my heart. While I can’t name one of my novels that is my absolute favorite I can say Promises to Keep is my all time favorite novella. I think part of that has to do with the military connection. In Promises, the heroine says goodbye to the hero in 1942.
I grew up as an Air Force brat and I still remember my father coming home unexpectedly right before Christmas. I can close my eyes and still feel the cold of his uniform against my face when he hugged me. Saying goodbye to someone going off to serve and, even better, welcoming them home, is very close to me.
My dad is gone now and this story is dedicated to him, as it was when I first wrote it.
Here’s a blurb:
Katherine Bedford has had what, to most observers, seems an extraordinary life full of success and achievement and wealth. But looking back, the elderly woman sees only a life shallow and empty and alone. All because of one decision that changed everything forever. One mistake she has regretted for more than half a century.
Now, all she wants is the present she turned down decades ago, a gift from Santa offered with a hint of magic on a snowy Christmas Eve. All she wants is a second chance and the keeping of promises made a lifetime ago.
Now, for the first time Promises to Keep is available as an ebook.
I hope you love it as much as I do!
Happy Holidays!
Buy this book:
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Previously published in print only in the anthologies:
The Night Before Christmas
A Magical Christmas Present
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