I love road trips with female friends. There’s nothing more fun than setting out on a adventure with your best buds—especially when you’re not entirely sure where you’re headed!
In August, my dear friend Carol and my daughter Tory and I set off to see the total eclipse of the sun. We did have a vague sort of plan. We’d start from my daughter’s place in Lincoln, hit I-80 and head west. If traffic was too bad we’d go south.
We ended up in almost the middle of Nebraska in the town of Ravenna at the golf course.
We met wonderful people from from all over the US and Canada. Yep, it was definitely a party!
And the eclipse truly was a once in a lifetime experience.
I’m so glad I got to share it with my two favorite women!
Because the only thing more fun than going on a road trip is planning one–I asked readers “If you could do a road trip—go anywhere, do anything—with your best friend, where would you go?”
Here’s how some of you responded.
My dream travel experience has always been to take a road trip on the Pacific Coast Highway over a week or two. Stopping when the scenery grabs me or when there is something interesting nearby that is a must see. I have wanted to take this trip for about 10 years now. Living in the Midwest, all I ever see is corn and beans, so beautiful coastlines draw me in with awe and wonder. My mom and my sister would be my selected travel companions/friends—Rhiannon
Travel to the seacoast (Maine?), stay in an ocean front room (there is a year round hotel/motel on the beach), and watch a violent Winter storm (a really BIG Nor’Easter)… the giant waves crashing into the land and the snow and ice building on the beaches…—J
My best friend Debbie and I are going on a road trip in 2 1/2 weeks. We’re jetting our way to Ireland and picking up a car and touring Ireland for 2 weeks. Hopefully we can handle the narrow roads! After we return the car to Dublin we fly to Edinburgh, where we will pick up another car and tour Scotland, England and Wales for 4 weeks (although we are taking 2 days to tour the Normandy beaches). We are even taking the ferry to the Orkney Islands to observe an autumn equinox festival and tour Skara Brae. It’s going to be an epic adventure!—Darcey
We would travel from central Indiana to the great northwest, then into Canada. It is our dream trip. Friends for 32 years and counting—Janice
My friend and I always wanted to travel to California when we were young. So we could moon over the movie stars! Then we would become stars ourselves. LOL—Carol
MY dream trip-easy-have never been to Ireland and my big wish in this wide world of ours would be to go to Ireland and tootle around there with my very best friend from pre-school-we are SanFrancisco, Ca., natives born and bread-Gloria-Glo my nickname for her-going hither and thither on a whim-wish us luck and hope that this could one day be a dream come true trip for us!—Helen
I think I would like to go to the Forbidden City…back in The Lady Travelers Society’s time there would still be splendor, ceremony, great food, and plenty of intrigue, without the smog/pollution. The sights would be spectacular, including The Great Wall and fireworks by those who invented them. Imagine learning the various martial arts moves taught by men and women. The Chinese also had many women scientists, writers and dignitaries that Westerners snubbed their noses at…women in the armies. Fascinating time to visit.—Shelia
Funny you say this .. My best friend Kendra and I have had the best friendship that started 17 years ago. Over the years we have had many dreams together, some before marriage, before Kids. Those dreams change multiple times over the years. I know the one dream we talked about several times was doing a castle travel trip. Though Kendra is not into Historical Romance she has always been my supporter when I tell her of how much I enjoy reading them. We both are such easy going gals that we would not have to make a million things. We would just take a suitcase and hit the road! Funny thing is we are taking a trip this next week, kids and husbands to the Great Wolf Lodge in Grapevine Texas.—Molly
I would like to go to Montana, Idaho, Colorado and the Dakotas. My traveling partner would be my friend Patricia. Three years ago in June/July we went to SC to visit a college roommate, GA to visit her aunt, MS to visit friends, back to Nashville to the Grand Old Opry, through Kentucky to WV to her home and then I came home to NJ. In November she called and asked if I wanted to take a trip to Texas to visit her brother. I packed that day and drove to WV and we left the following day. It was quite a drive, but we saw a lot of the USA. It is time for another trip—Ros
My husband is my best friend and we just did 6 weeks in our caravan around our state of Queensland in Australia. It was so nice to get away from all the pressures of everyday life. So looking forward to doing it again soon. Next year we are hoping to go to the bottom of Australia for an even longer trip—Ro
If I was on a road trip with a friend, I would love to visit all the national parks in the United States as well as Niagara Falls, Grand Canyon, and other great places in the USA. Of course, I do not want to miss Graceland in Memphis since they have added new things. There is so much to see in this country. There is so much to see in the world, and I would love to see as much of it as possible before I am unable to travel. If only my funds will allow it. Reading helps me experience what I cannot see, and I do love to read!!—Gail
I would love to take a road trip with a friend through Europe. Our first driving adventure would be from Budapest to Transylvania—Melissa
I would love to go to Savannah, Ga with my friend Florence or even my daughter Mary. Either one would be a blast to be with—Marge
I would take a trip to see as many civil war battlefields and memorial sites that was possible. I have always been intrigued with the civil war. I would especially like to go to Gettysburg, PA. I’m from PA. Then make my way south to Antietam, Fredericksburg, on to Atlanta. A final stop in Vicksburg—Linda
Thank you all!
I’m thinking it’s time to hit the road.
Travel safe!
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