I’m not sure how I stumbled on to these Woodbury soap ads but the moment I saw them I was struck by the art work. These paintings are fabulous.
And the copy is fascinating. Romantic and sexy and suggestive and not at all what I thought advertising was like in the 1940’s (The first paragraph is under the ad.)
It all started for Woodbury with A Skin You Love to Touch in 1911—the first ad on this page is from 1916. And the woman behind it? Advertising Pioneer Helen Lansdowne Resor. You can read more about her at these sites:
Advertising Age Market Copy Writer Blog
TNT for Two
One part boy, one part girl—one flash of beauty to light the fuse. One blinding moment and your heart rockets skyward. One swift embrace and you know you’ve found love. In his eyes where you can see you are strictly from heaven. The night reels as he whispers, “It’s a date for forever!”
Appointment for Love
Love strikes like lightening . . .you never know when or where. Some sunny morning, some April dusk. In a field starred with flowers. Or at the corner of Broad and Main. Suddenly . . .zing goes your heart. The moment is marked, predestined. And you are ready for your appointment . . .armed with shining beauty,
I take this Woman
His lips speak the magic words and meet yours. This time for keeps! One lifetime for two . . .for better and better. Your heart echoes the joyous rhythm as the strains of Mendelssohn ring out. His kiss tells you how lovely you are, as together you walk up your own private moonbeam to the stars!
Now and Forever
Sixty seconds of destiny. A moment for memory to hoard. When love speaks its first tremulous words and a kiss is the promise of tomorrows shared. When your heart goes one, two, three, kick!—and the look in a man’s eyes says you are his heaven on earth . . .all his dreams of loveliness come true.
Miracle at Midnight
Breathless. . .you unmask! He takes you in his arms. A searchlight pierces your secret heart. . .and plain as day you see love walk right in. He whispers that it’s you he wants forever and ever. Lovely as you are tonight.
So one and one really make one. A moment bright with rapture and suddenly you know . Winged ecstasy set to shimmering music. You’re whirling through space, lost . . .yet you’ve just found yourself for the first time! This is the end of the beginning of your life. This is love, love, love . . .
So this is Love
This whirling, twirling heady spin. This feeling you’re falling . . .the trance that you’re in. This kiss, handing you his heart tied up in pink ribbon . . .telling you how lovely, how precious you are. You could dance on forever to this music . . .to the lovesong in your heart!
Sudden Storm
Heat lightning flickering through your veins. Thunder pounding in your pulses. Then the first impassioned kiss, like the sharp sting of rain on your lips. This is the beginning! This is the moment sudden but long awaited . . .when your beauty stirs a tumult in his heart that will never be stilled!
Stationed in Seventh Heaven
Your heart pirouettes to the music. This is a new You . . .this is the ticket to the Big Show. You’re a WAC . . .and his eyes sing. “I’m proud.” You know this is where you belong. Side by side and the uniforms blending. Together and a new world unfolding. And you know from the way he looks at you that you’ve signed up in his heart . . .for the duration plus forever!
Midwinter Night’s Dream
A honeymoon out of this world . . . veiled by the snow’s white magic . . . illumined for two alone by the wonder and warmth of love. His lips a moving fire on yours. Sparks flying upward in your heart. A time to remember . . . this night, this hour, this moment . . . as he tells you you’re more beautiful than any one girl should be.
Moonlight Becomes You The breathless night. The moon turning on its billion-watt radiance. Multiplying mystery, quickening the pulse. Stirring up a sudden sweet tumult. Heady stuff, this. To look into his eyes and know that you were never lovelier. To hear him say the words that match the music in your heart.
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